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Sprig & Spring Turns 3!


It's a BIG week over at the Sprig & Spring headquarters (aka my living room couch) because we are celebrating 3 years of Sprig! August 31st, 2017 I sat in my backyard pretty defeated after being denied from another job I wasn't super excited about. I popped open a baby bottle of champagne, toasted to a new beginning, and googled "how to write a business plan". Three years and many weddings, flowers, cocktails, and breakdowns later... I can't believe I've made it here! 

This was supposed to be a fun project while I searched for other jobs but it turned into so much more than that. God had so much bigger plans for Sprig and I’m constantly in awe of where his plan has taken me. This year I wasn’t super excited to celebrate because so much of me feels like I’m back in that place of “unknown”. I laughed a lot as I popped the bottle today. The timing of everything on this Sprig journey has always lined up perfectly. Unexpected floral opportunities showing up out of the blue to keep me afloat, amazing jobs in the corporate world that I’ve had the opportunity to work while growing my business, the beautiful and grace filled people I’ve had the opportunity to work with and learn from. No matter where life takes me, I always want to celebrate this day as the day I decided to take a jump and follow something crazy and how that one decision changed everything about the way I live my life.

My amazing friend Alexa of Alexa Lena Photography snapped this pictures of me and I feel like it accurately describes how this season has been. A bit of a struggle, still so much fun, and some rollerblades for good measure because why not? 

There's been seasons where I love Sprig and seasons where I want to throw in the clippers. One thing is for certain and it's that Sprig & Spring changed my life for the better. If I could do it all over again, I would. God continuously exceeds my expectations with his plans for me and for Sprig and I'm constantly in awe of where he has placed me. I can't wait to see where this next year takes Sprig & Spring and especially can't wait to share it all with you! 

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