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Chapter 2: Gals


I’m a list person. I keep lists of to dos, projects, phrases I like, prayer requests, and basically anything that can be formatted with bullet points. I found an old journal recently that had lists of prayer requests and dorm room necessities (random grouping, I know). Re reading those lists of prayers and seeing the word “girlfriends” over and over again brought tears to my eyes because this is a prayer God has answered ten fold. I remember feverently praying during the summer before my freshman year of college that God would place a group of girls in my life. I prayed for inclusive, loving, silly, crazy, Jesus loving, fabulous friends. During this time, I was very nervous to be starting fresh, but knew that God would place those people in my life.

I’d like to take a minute to (virtually) pop a bottle of champagne, raise a glass to all my gal pals, and thank them for being the ABSOLUTE best.

Let’s continue with my list making tendencies, shall we?

Thank you for….

  • Encouraging my creative endeavors (especially this flower thing!!)

  • Loving me for me

  • Bachelor Nights

  • Being vulnerable

  • Always listening to me

  • Laughing at my jokes

  • Thursdays at Marie’s

  • Advice

  • Making me (literally) dance through break ups

  • Supporting my Chic fil a habit

  • Group Messages

  • Weekend trips

  • Letting me borrow your clothes

  • Keeping secrets

  • Sonic runs

  • Car Jams

  • Radiating joy

There are so many amazing women in my life that inspire me to be the best friend I could possibly be. I continue to choose to pour into these people. God continues to exceed my expectations in this area of my life. The friends he’s given me are a constant testament to his plan being the best. A lesson I feel like I’m constantly learning is that God’s timing is better than mine will ever be. So whenever I get discouraged or frustrated about where I’m at, I remember my girls and how they’re living proof of God’s perfect plan.

Be intentional with those people that pour into you. Thank them. Let them know how you feel!



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